Wedding Photos collected on the 27th.. Cd is with my sister-in-law right now, so I can't update any photo now, tot I wish to do so...
"过大礼" done on the 29th... By end of ytd den I know giving out cakes to relative is such an easy" task.
Having last fitting and collection of gowns on 3th oct.
Going for medicure on the 4th oct evening.
Ok. Time passes without informing.
Although quarrel happens btw both of us, we still move on as husband and wife as pledged at the Registry of Marriage, not to leave each other regardless of sickness, poor......blah blah blah...
And now, 5th Oct, My BIG Day is finally Here!~
A day I share my joy with my friends and relatives..
Our beginning2005 Nov I know my husband as a naggy man who keep calling me on the phone and keep "hi hi" at me on the msn...
I still remember sometimes I pretended I'm busy and hang up with him..but sometimes I do enjoy our conversation when the topic interested me.
When I was out with friends, he will still called and talked to me even if I told him I'm playing mahjong. Well, he tot I could multi-tasks.. so very normal those friends would ask me to concentrate on the game and disturbed me in a way like, asking who is the guy.. why he talked so long still dunwan to hang up.
And he made himself clear that he want me to be his gf.. I did not answer him seriously and always attempted to change topic. He knew I was trying to escape dat question and he let me had my way.
Recieving call from him become a routine.
But during dat period, I fell for someone else and realised later it was just a crush. A very stupid thing to have a crush for dat guy.
Although he was aware of such a guy I fell for but he did not give up on me and continued on to call me everyday.
Somehow or rather, we understand each other bit by bit over the period of 1 year 3 months on the phone everyday. Meet up was quite seldom, and even if we meet up, its would be in group of people.
This continued on till there was such a week dat I realised I fall in love with him.
He did not call me for dat week, no sms, no call, nothing from him. No news.
I begin to think about him, wondering what he is doing... And my heart seems very weird. I tot of him during day, during work, during lunch, during dinner, the night is the worst. Looking at my phone is the constant reaction, hoping he call.. but he did not.
Finally, I make my intitative to sms him and asked silly question like "how r u?".. And he replied. I felt so happy at dat moment.. The feeling is like, I'm the happiest woman in the world..
I beginned appreciated every moment I could talk to him , to meet up and became addicted to his voice, his jokes, his problems... his life...
At dat period, I was looking forward that he could ask me to be his gf once again and I will definitely says YES.
And he did.
Dat particular night, as usual we chatted on the phone for hours and the feeling of missing him was so strong.. I told him I dunno why I felt like seeing him right now and he really came over to my downstair and we chatted till morning 7plus.. I feel that from north to west is not very near, for him to come over at midnight to me is a very touching move..
Dat morning, I slept very soundly, guess there's smile on my face when I was sleeping bah.. heez..
That was when the relationship starts naturally, like we're long time couple.
During the courtship, he teached me alot on certain things and see things in different perspective. He taught me his knowledges on things I do not know. He taught how to survive at a back-stabbing world...
The feeling of I want to live with him for the rest of my life is very certain and he also think dat way.
Soon, we decided to get marry and den, 5th oct is my wedding big day!!!!
Friends asked me that I only know him for such a short period, will it be abit rush...
I do agree but the love for him is very different from others.
Its no longer puppy love, no longer like young times.. It is different, I also duno how to put it.
Humans grow up in different ways and there's bound to be disagreement in different things/thinking.
I don't think there's no quarrel btw a couple, most importantly is how we manage the problem, how to accept each other, how to appreciate each other and I really thank god for giving us a chance to know each other therefore I get my happiness, sadness, argument with him, only him, living as an atom together.
And of coz, I hope we can stay happy and maintain happiness for the rest of my life and never regret marrying him...
If one day, suitation does not happen the way I expect, I still feel thankful for me to know him.
Please bless me all the best, god!