Saturday, September 08, 2007

Recent Condition

Found a job recently.
Although Health is still not at tip top condition.
Feel no work mean no income.
Mean no medicine fees.

If health does not allow, den make further plan.

Peter Pan found a new job too.
Starting 10th Oct.
Hope we have a good start.

Friends are fine. Except a few.
Buddy's Bbxuan is growing fine and cute too.
Found out a schmate I used to admire (since sec 3 I never bump into him before, and I dunno him actually) is working with my cousin and irresistible grppyz member, coping fine and have a very fierce gf.
Another schmate buddy proposed to his gf successul and perhap planning his marriage now.
Rachel is going to give birth this sep month end. So fast.



lauhero said...

Good new that you got a new job, keep it up and be happy, don't bore over it too much, life and health will be better. Nice to see you blogging again

dandan...™ said...

I decided to give the job up as my health is not really to accept stress yet...

dandan...™ said...
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