Friday, December 22, 2006
Strike Toto!
"I've no time to buy I decided to buy TOTO as xmas present!"
den I go............. "har....................dunwan la..............I wan present.........................."
Many agreed, thus he really buy system 7 of a total, 7 lots.
We really STRIKE TOTO..... $90 to be share among 7 of us..
Wat a Lucky day!!
Although its a small amount of money...but who care..its abt striking toto!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Appraisal Done!
My feel.... "ARE U SURE?"
I do marked my leave & mc... my calendar don't bluff!
Nevermind, whatever u said......
I accepted!!!!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Life Is A Gift
Before you complain about the taste of your food, think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife, think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion.
Today before you complain about life, think of someone who went too early to heaven.
Before you complain about your children, think of someone who desires children but who are barren.
Before you grumble about your dirty house, or about someone who didn't clean or sweep, think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive, think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.
And when you are tired and complain about your job, think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job.
Before you think of pointing a finger or condemning another, remember that not one of us is without wrongdoings.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down, put a smile on your face and be thankful you're alive and still around.
** I do feel better when I read through this everytime I feel something not right in my brain..and will agree, life is a gift depending on the perspective you look at thing..**
Friday, December 01, 2006
A Battle of Wits!

A lavishly-produced historical drama from China, A Battle of Wits tells the complex story of a lone warrior whose mission is to save a besieged walled city from the savage attack of a 25,000 strong army.
Late in the 3rd century, when China comprised seven rival kingdoms, Ge-Li – an remarkable savior in rags – stands alone in an endangered city waiting to fulfill his destiny.
It is an impossible battle however you look at it. But here is a lone man willing to climb every mountain and cross every river just to get to the city of Liang with only one aim: to deliver Liang from the overwhelming threat of the Kingdom of Zhao in her battle against the Kingdom of Yan.
Ge Li is the last Mohist in the Warring States period of China.
Facing him in the field are thousands of swift chariots ad many thousands more mail-clad soldiers. His battle will be the loneliest battle in the history of war.
No battle has ever been this unmatched in strength.
Would this one man alone be able to change the destiny of Liang?
On the surface, this is a battle for which bloodshed would be inevitable.
But in reality it is also a battle of wits. A struggle between power and desire: between a ruler and those being ruled.
A message of anti-war through war itself.
dandan: Its really a movie worth watching. Thousands of soldiers, the strategy they used to fight the battle...admirable!
Rate by dandan: *****
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tonight is Pay DAY!!
Tonight is Pay DAY!!
Pay day! Pay Day! Pay Day!!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
My Fellow Friends!
Recently colleagues and me are abit crazy..and started forming companies for ourselves....
Initially, one of the guy acted abit ah-gua, therefore he was named suit the rest of the Js.....
Afterwhich, dunno why another victim was being called Jasmine, after a night trip out to Fish & Co...
And to be fair to all, Part Time was named Jessica!
Sounded childish when I was blogging this down and it's just so much fun!!
Its kinda of funny when they called us by Guy's name..
Ms. E named as Danny...
Ms. Seah as Dannis..
Ms. Xie as Daniel
& me.. as Damien!
*I quite like Damien this name.. heez..
& of coz when we address those guys by those names we gave, they did response and invited strange looks from other colleagues! Hey! Its FUN!
Things happened for quite sometimes.. we have lunch together everyday.. from there, we started crazy stuffs.. making sandwiches & salads for lunchie... going out.. plan for oversea trip....many & many & many..
One of the colleague said this,"You all plan & plan, but never come true de la.. Have to wait for next year liao lor.." (Ya.. kinda hard to make arrangement when we have 2 ladies having lessons, need to study for exam... )
One day, I was feeling pretty bored at home, thus I smsed Daniel.. Daniel called and we chatted... and we started to chat about our fellow colleagues..and we realised.. At work, we see them, at home, we still think of them!
haha.. so cute!!
Most important thing is... they have turn from colleagues to my friends and I'm sure we will stay in contact even if we're not in the same company anymore...
Cheers, Fellow Friends! Love u Guys!!
Club Name: Sandwiches Complaint Cases Inc.
Chairman: Jasmine Foo
P.A: Jessica Teo
Senior Manager: Danny E
Officer-in-charge: Damien Lee
Follow by:
Julicious Bummer Medical Group
Doctor: Daniel Xie
Nurse: Joey Ng
Nana&Khiem Solicitors & Advocators
Lawyer: Nana Tan
Assistant: Dannis Seah
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Jokes for a Fresh Good Saturday!
Lian: "Ah Beng kor, I can't get my new jig saw puzzle fixed, mah-chiam all the edges cannot fix together, lah."
Beng: "Jig saw puzzle si mi picture, ha?"
Lian: "The box show a big rooster, kanna like the one in"
Beng: "Okay, lah, okay, lah. I come over to tor-long lu, lah."
Ah Beng arrives at Ah Lian's place, where she happily leads him to the kitchen table where the jigsaw puzzle is.
Ah Beng examines the puzzle and says, "Si ghee na, si bay gong, put back the corn flakes into the box, lah."
Dr. Quek made a routine house call to Mr. Lim, one of his elderly patients.
He asks, "And how are you doing today, Mr. Lim?"
Mr. Lim replies, "I feel just fine, doc. But you know,it's the strangest thing.
Every night when I get up to pang jio, the bathroom light goes on for me automatically when I open the door!"
The doctor is worried that the old man is getting senile, so he phones the man's son, and the son's wife answers.
The doctor tells her, "Mrs. Lim, I'm a little concerned about your father-in-law.It seems that when he gets up to urinate at night and opens the bathroom door, the light somehow goes on..."
At which point, Mrs. Lim yells, "Aiyoh, Ah Seng! Ah Pa pang jio in the fridge again!"
QUESTION: How do you know frogs are Hokkien?
ANSWER : Because when it's cold, they go "kwah, kwah, kwah".
QUESTION : How do Hokkien prawns laugh?
ANSWER: Hae hae hae (hokkien for prawns)
QUESTION: How do Hokkien fish laugh?
ANSWER : Hee hee hee (hokkien for fish)
And here is a classic..............
QUESTION : What's the difference between Ang-mor and Hokkien fairy Tales?
ANSWER: Ang-mor fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time..."
and Hokkien fairy tales begin with "Lim Peh ka li kong..." (Familiar?!? hiak hiak)
Monday, November 06, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Eggs explosive!
We're chatting happily while biting my sandwiches when I suddenly feel like having eggs salad in the noon..
Therefore I put 4 eggs into a big bowl filled with water and placed it into the microwave to boil it. Setting to 4mins of the timer, I left the eggs there boiling, while I get back to my desk for the start of my long day of piling work on my desk... .....
*dandan concentrating reading her emails**
5mins later, Uncle Teh reach office as usual at 8.55am...
He took his cup and headed to the pantry. This is his daily routine too.
Before he step into the pantry (I saw it with my own eye as pantry is door is within my eye's focus perimeter), I heard a very very loud sound! It goes..."BOMB"!
Of course, rest of colleagues heard it too as it was really a LOUD "BOMB"!!
At this moment, people said saying,"What happened? wat? wat? wat dat smell?"..... Some pple started walking to the pantry trying to find out what happened..
I need not take a deep breath and I already smell eggs within the air...
Then I realised, "OH MY GOD! It was my EGGS!!!! "
My egg "bao zha", and my eggs fly everywhere... and it really everywhere!
The mess looked Yuckzzzz but smell great!
With the help of my 2 beloved colleagues, we spent 10mins clearing up the mess and I guess I get myself an compliment of saving 35cents by cooking my own egg instead of buying from our canteen, so called "SMART"..... &^%$#@*
And well, I guess I invited complaint for myself as well...
Maybe I will see a notice inside my pantry tomorrow stating,"NO BOILING OF EGG IN THE MICROWAVE AS THIS IS AN DANGEROUS ACT!"
No more egg for dandan........... =(
worst part is.... I'm wondering if this chapter of my life is going to be written onto my appraisal, affecting my bonus...............................................
dandan and her jidan......................
Friday, October 27, 2006
Pinkie hers..
Monday, October 23, 2006
Performance Appraisal
and I'm getting nervous....
Last yr I did so badly for my appraisal.. guess this yr will be gone case again...
God bless me..
For all the hard work I put in, pls let me have a good appraisal this year..
Increment, bonus... all depend on you already!
In life, there's alot of things I can't compare..
some pple slack through their works, some pple gathered around and chit-chat..
yet bonus & increment were damn good for them...
some job scopes are simple and easy... so called relax..
yet they earned much more den me..
I know I said I dunwan to compare and here I'm comparing..
No choice.. life and reality make me this way..
There's no way or excuses for me to think positive!!
Just hope.. God bless me!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Colleagues Outing to Ong's Birthday
Alway forget to eat "medicine" de Minmin & Mr. very "ahgua" de Jeffrey ..

We were so happily playing with the camera taking pics by ourselves..
in the end kanna scolding coz the photos turned out to be.. mani of his and mine faces!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Stupid or cute?
"Hey I tell you my driver is really stupid. If you don't believe me I'll show you."
He called his driver Ah Beng over and said, "Ah Beng,here is $10 note, go to the car showroom and buy me a Mercedes".
To which Ah Beng replied, "Yes Sir! Right away, Sir!" and rushed off to the Showroom.
The rich man then turned to his friend and said, "See I told you he was stupid."
The other rich man said, "That's nothing, you want to see stupid, I will show you stupid."
And he called his driver, Ali. Ali, go home now and check to see if I'm at home. "
To which Ali said,"Yes Sir! Right away, Sir!" and ran home.
"See what I told you? He doesn't even have enough brains to know that I cannot be at home if I am here."
Later on, the two drivers met on the road. Ah Beng said to Ali,"Eh, you know my boss is sooooooo stupid. He gave me $10 and asked me to go to the car showroom and buy him a Mercedes.....Doesn't he know that today is Sunday lah, the showroom is closed!"
Ali replied,"You think your boss is stupid? My boss lagi worse, he asked me to go home to check if he is at home...
He got handphone what, can just call up to check lah, bodoh!!!"
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
2 years old Birthday!
This place has been tolerating my sorrows, sharing my happiness as well as sadness for 2 years already..
At times, I do sit down infront of my pc reading my own past posts...
To recall what happened to me in the past..
To see myself grow up in a way..
I get real emotional at a period of time.. I guess this is me ba.. til now, I'm still the same..
still as emotional, sensitive..
Remember the past 2 years.......
dandan was really crazy over someone down there before..but now, she doesn't even bother to talk to him..
This teaches me something..
No matter how much u like or love a person, after he/she hurt ur heart, leaving u alone in sadness & loneiness.. time cures u..
Cos time cures me too, leaving me only memories but no more love, no more hurt..
dandan also remembered the fun moments with irresistible grppyz..especially taking those crappy photos at the void desk.. so much so much fun & laughters being noted down in my blog..
A memory to hold on til I grow old..
when dandan read back, she also realised alot of thoughts of her in the past..
smiling to herself..dat's her, in the past 2 yrs.
Mabbe another year passes, I find myself writing totally different thingy on my blog?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Appeal and petition
Appeal and petition for stiffer sentence for Old Airport Road cat killer Wong Geng Thong
Friday, September 15, 2006
You again!
Now not only me feel that you're watching me, even ur own dept colleagues also think so.
My movement is like CCTV by you....
Mr. XXX : How r u?
dan : Fine.. haiz..
Mr. XXX : My boss seem to be very observous towards ur movement ar?
dan : yalor. U heard it right? I never come work ytd, he also ask where am I. Why never come. Who sign my MC form..."
Mr. XXX : He also funny. Why he wan to meddle into your things? Want u to report to him also ar?
dan : I dunno la. ....."
I'm earning a living only.
I'm not a student.
Please don't behave like a principal.
I feel so back to school.
Reporting my attendance.
Handing in my homework.
Days u ask me what am I doing..
Days u said abt me pressing suppliers when I'm just doing my job.
Argh, I'm going crazy if this continues..
Maybe I shall leave after my bonus.
Maybe I shall tolerate til I become mad.
leave me alone please?
Some said because you like me dat's why u demand so much from me..
some said maybe he just like to disturb me..
whatever it is... please... don't torture me!!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Wubai!! I love you!!!!

Imagine thousands & thousands of his fans screamed so loudly for him!! Stepping their foots, just to get Wubai on stage!! No matter how the papers said his standard is not so good for the night, I still feel he's the BEST!! Singing my all-time favorite songs!! Oh, I really enjoyed it to the fullest!! I really never get enough of him.. so sad its ended so fast..
Believe me...mean believing his charm on stage as a rock singer! Believing the tickets spent on him will never go down the drain! And You will know the what's wrong with me liking him!
Wubai Rockz!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Complain la, You Fool!
I dun get these people at all!
What they want from me?
Siao liao si bo?
Or plainly Bo liao?
Nothing to do har?
What I wear bother u meh?
You just do your job well which is good enough liao!
Complain about my dress-code for wat?
Very happy to see me being arrow right?
Although I cannot say 100% you are the one who complain me!
But I know my guess is 99.9999% lor.
wahlau! Now HR want me to wear blazer, wear office skirt, which is SUIT!
They think I manager position or what?
Siao si bo!
Giving me uniform allowance har?
Think suit cheap ar?
Buay Tahan one lor.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Annoucement of his marriage..

hmm.. one of my old old friend getting marry this year, 05th December 2006...
Kinda of happy for him..its a good start..
Used to be kinda of flirtie, willing to settle down isn't easy I guess..
Settle down is part of becoming responsible...
not only to himself, but his family..
Hope he will be a good husband, good father in future..
Wishing him well, good for his family-to-be.
Treasuring his wife-to-be with care & concern.
Also, to have a baby soon-to-be.
All the Best to you, my dear friend..
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Women And Their Zodiac Characteristics - Pisces
Physical Appearance
Generally, Piscean women are seen to be not very tall and plumpy.
The eyes are quite big and protruding. Hands and feet are either strikingly beautiful or else out-proportion, big and bulky.
The shoulders are muscular and spherical.
Mental Attitude
You are philosophical, restless and honest. You can go beyond your means to help people in need.
Not perturbed easily, you can help even your opponents calm down by your gentle behavior. Your nature is to forgive and forget.
General Nature
Your mind is not very steady. It often wanders from spiritualism to materialism. This reduces your concentration thereby making it difficult to achieve your full potential. A Piscean woman may also lack in self-confidence. However that does not deter her from being an expert planner.
You will aim very high and can develop right connections to achieve your aims. Generally, Pisceans develop good connections that they en-cash at the right time.
You are either at the top of the ladder or else at the bottom of it. Generally, Pisceans being too ambitious either rise to very high positions or else turn into dreamers and are unable to fight the battle of life.
You will have a strong wish to go to foreign lands and visit beautiful places.
You may be drawn towards excesses that means you may be eating and drinking in excess, making you ill. You may suffer from varicose veins or guinea worms.
Problems connected with lever, ankles and feet are possible. You should take care of them.
Generous by nature and ever helping your friends, you are unable to save much. Though due to your mental capacity, which is far in excess of women of other signs, you have a high-income level.
You will not like to depend on anyone for finances and you are wiling to do even extra work to keep your self financially secure.
Romance And Sex Life
Very romantic by nature, you dream of romance. However you may feel somewhat frustrated as the dreams seldom come true in actual life.
You are very suspicious, you will keep a tab on your lover and if you see him friendly with another women you feel the pinch.
You are loyal and once you form a relationship, you continue it for a long time though sometimes you may feel a sudden loss of interest in your partner. Many a time, Piscean women can carry two or more relationships simultaneously.
Having a basically shy nature, you are not the one who will make a move yourself in love life. You will expect your lover to make all the moves and you will only react to them.
But, sometimes you can act completely differently. With deception, you can easily control your men with your superior brain and use them for your purposes.
Any foreplay involving water will turn you on. feet are your hot spots.
You will dream of marrying a Mr. Perfect and you will want him to have all the qualities possible in a husband. But you will not be working hard to get him. Thus, chances of delay in marriage or a marriage which will not work, are not ruled out. You will require a very diplomatic and well-mannered husband to stay on.
A Piscean woman keeps good upkeep of her house. Being yourself fond of food and drinks you will stock them well for guests also.
For a stable married love life, you should check your dreamy nature and live in practical world.
Ideal Match
Virgo and Cancer males are the best mates of a Piscean woman.
Having very high desires, dreams and a changeable nature are your worst problems. You should live in the practical world and be less utopian if you want to be successful.
Lucky Days, Numbers And Colours
Thursdays, Tuesdays and Sundays are lucky for you.
1, 3, 4, 9 are your lucky numbers.
Red, Orange and Yellow are fortunate.
Recommended Gemstones
Yellow, Sapphire, Pearl and Emerald are the lucky Gemstones for you. The Gem should be of a vibrant Aura and should have never been worn before. The weight of the Gemstone shall be decided as per your age and body weight.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Sat = Migraine + sore throat + ear pain
Took panadol...
Sat Night = no sorethroat, no ear pain but migraine still attacking...
Sunday = Abit of migraine + FLU (running nose)
Conclusion = I wasted my weekend falling sick...........
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Just for Laugh II
Student: Please teacher, I don't think I want to study history.
Teacher: Why?
Student: There is no future in it
Teacher: Ted, if your father has $10 and you ask him for $6, how much would your father still have?
Ted: $10.Teacher: You don't know maths.
Ted: You don't know my father!
Mother: David, come here.
David: Yes, mum?
Mother: You really disappoint me. Your results are getting worse.
David: But I will only get my report book tomorrow.
Mother: I know that. But I am going to Hong Kong tomorrow, so I am scolding you now
Father: Why did you fail your mathematics test?
Son: On Monday, teacher said 3+5=8
Father : So?
Son: On Tuesday, she said 4+4=8 And on Wednesday, she said 6+2=8.
If she can't make up her mind, how do I know the right answer?
A mother and son were doing dishes while the father and daughter were watching TV in the living room. Suddenly, there was a loud crash of breaking plates, then complete silence.
The daughter turned to look at her father.
Daughter: It's mummy!
Father: How do you know?
Daughter: She didn't say anything
Girl: Do you love me?
Boy: Yes Dear
Girl: Would you die for me?
Boy: No, mine is undying love
Man: How old is your father?
Boy: As old as me
Man: How can that be?
Boy: He became a father only when I was born
Waiter: I've stewed liver, boiled tongue and frog's leg.
Customer: Don't tell me your problems.
Give me the menu card.
Teacher: Simon, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's.
Did u copy his?
Simon: No, teacher, it's the same dog!
Father: Your teacher says she finds it impossible to teach you anything!
Son: That's why I say she's no good!
Teacher: "Where were u born?"
S tudent: "Singapore , Sir."
Teacher: "Which part?"
Student: "All of me, Sir."
A teacher was asking her class: "What is the difference between 'unlawful' and 'illegal'?"
Only one hand shot up. "Ok, answer, Joan" said the teacher."
'unlawful' is when u do something the law doesn't allow and 'illegal' is a sick eagle."
Teacher: "How come you do not comb your hair?"
Ah Kow: "No comb, Sir."
Teacher: "Use your dad's then."
Ah Kow: "No hair, Sir."
A boy came home from school with his exam results.
"What did u get?" asked his father.
"My marks are under water," said the boy.
"What do u mean 'under water'?"
They are all below 'C' level
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Just for Laugh
So named because he had only one testicle. He hated that name and asked everyone not to call him Onestone.
After years and years of torment, Onestone finally cracked and said, "If anyone calls me Onestone again I will kill them!"
The word got around and nobody called him that any more.
Then one day a young woman named Blue Bird forgot and said, "Good morning, Onestone."
He jumped up, grabbed her and took her deep intothe forest where he made love to her all day and all night.
He made love to her all the next day, until Blue Bird died from exhaustion.
The word got around that Onestone meant what he promised he would do.
Years went by and no one dared call him by his given name until a woman named Yellow Bird returned to the village after being away for many years.
Yellow Bird, who was Blue Bird's cousin, was overjoyed when she saw Onestone.
She hugged him and said, "Good to see you, Onestone."
Onestone grabbed her, took her deep into the forest, then he made love to her all day, made love to her all night, made love to her all the next day, made love to her all the next night,
but Yellow Bird wouldn't die!
And what is the moral of this story?????
............................ OH, come on...
take a guess!
Think about it.
You're going to love this! :-)
And the moral is...................
You can't kill two birds with one stone!!!
Monday, July 24, 2006
My buddy Lek...

How nice to have a buddy like her..
Her smile never fail to make me smile..
Her laughter never fail to make me laugh..
Her wisdom never fail to make me think and ponder..
Her advise is alway deeply consider by my brain..
Her straightforward, I never fail to admire.. speaking things I don't dare to..
Love you, Buddy Lek....
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
How A HR Will Write A Love Letter
Sub: Offer of love!
Ref: Meeting in coffee shop
Dearest Ms Juliet,
I am pleased to inform you that I have fallen in Love with you since the 14th of October (Saturday). With reference to the meeting held between us on the 13th of Oct. at 1500 hrs, would like to present myself as a prospective lover.
Our love affair would be on probation for a period of three months and depending on compatibility, would be made permanent. Of course, upon completion of probation, there will be continuous on the job training and performance appraisal schemes leading up to promotion from lover to spouse.
The expenses incurred for coffee and entertainment would initially be shared equally between us. Later, based on your performance, I might take up a larger share of the expenses.
However I am broad minded enough to be taken care of, on your expense account.
I request you to kindly respond within 3 days of receiving this letter, failing which, this offer would be cancelled without further notice and I shall be considering someone else.
I would be happy, if you could forward this letter to your sister, if you do not wish to take up this offer.
Wish you all the best!
Thanking you in anticipation,
Yours sincerely,
HR Manager
source: email
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Current status
Busy handling my own job scope and maintaining his..
Tough time but its a chance for me to prove myself as well..
Believing I could manage well, I've to bear with the stress I'm facing..
Coping pretty well.. Gald I could do it..
Hoping nothing crop up of course..
As for my personal life, I'm happy to have a him by my side..
Love being with him..
He do relief my stress as he do know how to smile after a long day although I know he's facing alot of stress at work too..
Thank to him who make my life so complete...
Apolgising to my dearest huihui who she think I don't want her already..
Really busy recently plus I do want to accompany my precious him..
Forgive me ..
I still love you, hui..
To Cutest Old beng,
Wanted to reply you but was too busy in the afternoon..
hereby I answer you..
I'm too busy with work to update my blog..
So I decided to update my current status now.......
Hope to meet up with u guys again soon!!!
Take Care Guys~~
Monday, July 03, 2006
Restrictions on smoking affect eating outlets' World Cup business
But when the extension of the smoking ban kicked in last Saturday, some football fans gave up their seats rather than forsake their puffs.
A check conducted over the weekend by Today found that while the businesses of larger eateries were largely unaffected, those who ran smaller coffee shops reported dips of as much as 30 per cent in their business — as the number of smoking patrons sometimes outstripped the seats available to them, especially during peak periods and screenings of the World Cup matches.
Food court and coffeeshop owners said they had to turn away a handful of customers over the past two days. One coffeeshop owner — who wanted to be known as Mr Ng — could only designate one out of his stall's eight tables for smokers.
"Business was definitely affected.
On Saturday afternoon, three regular customers insisted on smoking but we didn't have enough seats for them. They were unhappy and offered to pay the fine if they were caught. But I told them that I would also get into trouble. In the end, they left without eating."
Mr Zuraimee Sarip, 34, a regular at the Koufu food court in Punggol and a smoker, said that customers who wanted to smoke were forced to stand while watching the England-Portugal match on Saturday night.
"People usually like to buy drinks and smoke while watching soccer," he said. "On Saturday night, I think more than 50 people were standing around and smoking, squeezing into the smoking corner, as there were not enough seats for them."
The food court has about 125 tables. Of the 45 that were outdoors, only nine have been designated for smokers. Its assistant manager, Mr Anthony Ang, expects an even tougher challenge in enforcing the ban as the World Cup action heats up in the semi-finals and finals.
"It's definitely a problem as the number of smokers increase during football matches. We have more customers who want to smoke than there are designated seats available. We have to pay more attention to the enforcement during such times," he said.
Under the extension of the smoking ban which kicked in on Saturday, smoking is prohibited in indoor eateries. Hawker centres without outdoor areas can convert 10 per cent of their indoor seating capacity into smoking corners. For those with outdoor seating areas, up to 20 per cent of the outdoor area can be designated for smokers.
Businesses have to demarcate smoking corners clearly or state clearly if smoking is banned from the outlet, or be fined $200 for the first offence and $500 subsequently. Smokers could be fined $200 each time they flout the law, and up to $1,000 if they refuse to pay the fine and the matter will be brought to court.
Over the past two days, five teams of National Environment Agency (NEA) officers were out on their enforcement blitz.
When Today followed one team of four officers yesterday morning, the officers spent about two hours conducting spot checks on coffeeshops, fast food restaurants and food courts in the Punggol and Tampines areas.
Mr Ng was reminded by the officers to demarcate his outlet's smoking area clearly. Over at another eating outlet, a customer — who was a foreigner — was let off with a warning for lighting up just outside the designated smoking corner.
Generally, the ban appeared to be effective. The smoking corners were clearly demarcated with signs and painted lines on the ground, with "No Smoking" posters displayed prominently outside these areas. Though the NEA could not provide figures on the number of summons issued over the weekend, patrons appeared compliant, with smokers huddling in the designated areas.
The NEA, which has some 300 enforcement officers, has advised owners who have trouble handling uncooperative customers to call its hotline. But Mr Ng said: "By the time they come down, I would have lost my customers."
See la.... make pple life so miserable dunno for wat...........................
Luckily I went REGENT Hotel for Germany Match and I could smoke myself away there...
Time to choose places where I could smoke to go le.....
Monday, June 19, 2006
What it means to be poor
They spent a couple of days on the farm of a very poor family.
On their return, the father asked his son, "How was the trip ?""It was great, Dad."
"Did you see how poor people can be ?" the father asked.
"Oh Yes" said the son.
"So what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.
The son answered, "I saw that we have one dog and they had four.
We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end.
We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night.
Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.
We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyondour sight.
We have servants who serve us, but they serve others.
We buy our food, but they grow theirs.
We have walls around our property to protect us; they have friends to protect them."
With this the boy's father was speechless.
Then his son added, "Thanks dad for showing me how poor we are."
After reading this email sent by one of my friend, I realised alot of things..
In our whole life, we've been pursuring the best out of the best.
But what is the best?
To some people, driving a VIOS is more den enuff..but some want BM..
To some people, a 5 room HDB flat is enuff to spend their lives with their love ones, but some want terrace houses, bugalows..
Yesterday my dear "P" told me this when I questioned him with this question..
dan: Have u ever think you could find someone better to spend your life with, better in looks, characters, etc?
P replied with his long story as usual: Look, today you have a very beautiful girlfriend and with her, you bumped into a girl who is prettier den her and you forsake your gf to be with this girl, and another day you saw another girl who is much much more prettier and you let go of her to be with this girl.
So? If you really want to compare, there's never ending as they're so many people in the world.
After hearing, I really solved out my mind and confirm what I want.
Yes, looks is not important.
As long as happiness exist, I will be the most fortunate woman in my own world.
I don't mind if my future hubby can't afford a car, can't afford a condominum as all these are not important.
See, if you own all these but your hubby don't treat you well, would you be happy?
Luxury and happiness, I choose happiness.
Yes, I'm that sort. I want love, not bread.
Of coz I'm not saying bread is not important, just that I believe I could work hard with my partner to bake our bread and even own a bread factory in future if we really want.
Once again, the love must be there, strong enuff to make us move..
And back to the level of rich and poor, its really in your own mind.
if you're contented with a stable job with fixed income, a cosy house with a not-so-pretty but caring wife, you're already rich and fortunate.
You could eat maggi mee everyday, but you have a happy family.
You have a RICH life, definitely richer den those rich who live in bugalow living in their highly maintenance lifestyles..
Not all poor people live in miserable life..
Poor people know how to survive in a environment who we singaporean will never know.
Can you imagine we singaporeans not to bath for a week?
Do not mention out field camp. This is training. Out of no choice.
Can you imagine the feeling of going hungry for a week?
If you did, please, not referring to dieting. This is self-torture.
Like wat the little boy said,"We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night."
I really agreed..
The nature is nothing else dat can replace.
The blinking stars high above, how many rich kids in singapore get to view this kinda of scenery.
They have their X-box, computers at home which already occupy so much of their times, who will bother to lift up their heads and take a look at the beautiful sky.
If you think you're poor, think once again what u have..
If you think you're rich, how you define rich..
Poor and rich, all in your mind.
Friday, June 16, 2006
42 smoke-free hawker centres
Food outlet licensees can get help from NEA to enforce smoking ban
GIVEN the leeway to designate zones for smokers after the July 1 ban comes into effect, 42 of 117 hawker centres islandwide have chosen to go completely smoke-free..
Today understands that their reasons include not being able to reach a consensus on where the smoking area should be located, and expected improvements in cleanliness with the disappearance of cigarette butts..
In the larger picture, however, close to half of the 3,400 food outlets with outdoor dining areas have already put up signs to demarcate smoking zones. Only 182 have chosen to stub out smoking completely. .
In all, about 7,400 eating establishments — including coffee shops, cafes and fast food restaurants — will be affected by the extension of the smoking ban.
While smokers will have to stub it out in all indoor dining areas, hawker centres have been allowed to designate up to 10 per cent of the indoor space for smokers..
On Wednesday, the National Environment Agency (NEA) assured food outlet licensees that they would be able to call the agency's hotline for help with difficult customers..
Licensees have been vocal in their worries about how they would enforce the ban -- under the law, they can be fined $200 for flouting the rules the first time..
Mr Khoo Siow Poh, NEA's director-general of Public Health, said: "Generally, licence operators do not need to worry. So long as they put up their signs and advise smokers not to smoke, they are already doing their part.
If the smokers are unreasonable, they can always go to the NEA for help.".But there will be no such leniency or grace period granted to smokers, the NEA said — anyone caught lighting up where he should not after July 1 will face a $200 fine..
NEA officers, who already patrol eating places to enforce hygiene and other rules, will keep an eye out for smokers..
Meanwhile, licence operators have been busy not just marking out smoking corners, but also preparing their staff to enforce the ban. .
Said Ms Belinda Wong, managing director of Starbucks Coffee Singapore: "We will coach our employees on communicating the new regulations to our customers (and) directing customers to their preferred seating area …
We are optimistic customers will understand the benefits of this initiative, but our employees will still be coached on how to handle difficult situations."
The NEA expects a number of smoking offenders to be caught initially, but the figure would decline overtime. After the ban was introduced to cover bus stops last October, 64 were fined in January, but only nine in May. .
The smoking ban will be extended to pubs, clubs and karaoke lounges in July next year.
I don't understand the ban of all these! I really don't!
This is so silly!
Come'on, if they don't want to smoke, den ban selling cigarettes!
Why go doing all this ban and ban and ban!
This is getting out of hand!
No life!
Imagine u patron a coffeeshop for dinner, you have to walk away from the coffeeshop and smoke, den go back to sit down. Its seem so silly!
Making people walk here and there, very fun ar?
Just like they banned the bus-stop last year, den what happened?
Smokers will stand next to bus-stop and smoke! So, isn't it the same?
Ban smoking AT the bus-stop? People smoke NEARBY the bus-stop?
Banning Pubs, KTVs from smoking are even worse!
Think KTVs must have bigger corriders for customers to walk in and out of the premise to smoke already. Imagine this, I really laugh.
Making people so troublesome, yet smokers like me are thinking places for smoking if these premises are being banned!
If really want us to stop smoking, stop polluting the world, BAN CIGARETTES!
And I will quit smoking!!!!!!
Do it!!
Arghhz.. Madness!!!!!
Monday, June 12, 2006
Are we in a Democratic society?
Have to hide and seek with some of them in case they saw me smoking and start saying,
"aiyo Joanne ah...smoke less good for health ley..."
They meant good and I really appreciate their wisdom of advice..
Meanwhile, I feel the stress as well...
Just like uncles looking after me, spotting me at various time to check me up..
I also dunno why, I just don't have the will and determindation to quit at all..
As far as myself know, I just don't like people to nag at me for smoking..
Nor shake their heads when they see me lighting a cigarette again after half an hour break..
This world is kinda of biase. Have to agree although I see no right in it.
Women smoke = bad women
Men smoke = Normal
Women drink = drunk women who wanna to get laid
Men drink = social life
Women flirt = slut [水性扬花]
Men flirt = just for fun [奉场作戏]
Women shop = waste manee,
Men shop = Needs, necessary items
Women demand sex = against the cycle, too easy (who says women don't need sex?)
Men demand sex = Body demand, very normal act (what the nonsense)
Women play snooker = ah lian
Men play snooker = Professional Player (Like shits, men just play number balls for the sake of gambling!)
Women gamble = Not suitable to be wife
Men gamble = Leisure
Life ah life.. what is fair, what is human rights, what is democratic society...
wat and wat and wat....
Things are too easy to get people thinking else...
1. A woman wearing too little?
Guys stare and look but will never want their wives/gfs to wear alike.
2. A woman smoking in the pub smiling seducingly at you?
Guys smile back, get her to bed once there's chance, coz she look like dat sort of slut just bcoz she smoked and smiled at you seducingly?
3. A woman who gamble, scold vugular languages?
You won't want to take a 2nd look even she's a honour grad or a good housewife coz gamble & swearing is already a total turn off.
4. A woman who shop and shop and shop?
Spendthrift to you is a NO-NO case. This kinda of woman don't meet the critiera to be wife, rite?
Enuff saying, I guess all get what I mean.
What you see might not be true..
what you think might not be the fate..
Don't use your eyes to see and forget to use your brain to think!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Glad to haf u as my frenz..
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
A: Maybe flirting around, having lotz and lotz of flings.. if I'm a guy la...
Q: If I have a million, how will I spend it?
A: Hmm.. a million is how much ley, never see this amount of money in my life before ley..
But can dream about it.. buy a car (MARCH), buy a flat to rent out, buy lotz and lotz of clothes!!! haha..
so excited!
Q: If I live in rome?
A: wow.. wow... wow... wow....... I will be a christian!!!
Q: If I take part in superband?
A: hahhaaaa.. siao liao.. People all run away..
Q: If I'm a meinu?
A: This is a nice dream.. heez
Q: If I own a company?
A: I'm surely a nasty boss!
Q: If I don't need to work and able to enjoy life, what will I do?
A: I will go round the world...travelling....travelling.....travelling.....
Q: If I know I have cancer, what will I do?
A: Maybe cry and cry and cry..and get depression and die even more early den the expected date..
Q: If I continue to if if if, what will happen next?
A: My boss will see what I'm doing and kanna sack! haha.. Back to work le.... Zzzzzzz
Friday, June 02, 2006
How life goes..

Have you ever realise, a picture do carry feeling behind it, depending on the perspective of how we look at life..

Try doing so... and you bound to have mixed feelings after really pause for awhile to admire the beauty of each picture..

And I believe each individual will have different thinking over the same picture..dat's why we are different..unique in our own ways..

Is the way we look at life correctly?

Are you a cheerful person?

Too emotional?

Sometimes in life, maybe we should slow down and admire some stuffs around us..think about it..

and the level of appreciation will definitely be different..
At least, this is how I feel..
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Existence of Love..
That was my 1st time.
He was the tallest guy of my class.
He has a wide mouth, which mean wide smile and a pair of small little eyes.
He loves to talk.
Yes, talkative, mischievous child who teachers always like to scold.
Weird enough, this kind of kids attracts attention more than those well-behaved ones.
I remembered I used to stare at him in class.
I don’t really talk to him much as I was shy then.
Even if he talked to me, I will hide away.
Plus, I looked awful at that time, even though I don’t look any better now.
I don’t remembered who is his holding hand partner, but if there were to be an absentee, he would be beside me, holding my hand.
The excitement I had, till today I still remembered.
Yes, Kids’ time.
Since young, I already know how to act steady, act cool.
I don’t react to him that, “ Hey, I like you! ”.
I belong to that kind in school who secretly like someone till end of school life.
Secret Admirer type I was.
Maybe if I have the chance to bump into him now, I might tell him I actually like him before. Guess this is going to scare him off.
Too bad, I never see him then since I entered secondary school.
Today, I think of why would I like him back then, I still can’t figure out the reason.
Just like my buddy like “008” during primary school time, I guess she couldn’t explain why too.
Parents showered their love to us.
We love our younger brothers and sisters.
Den we start to love someone who is know as your boyfriend or girlfriend.
After which, we love our family, our children, our grandchildren and even pets.
This is so amazing.
So love is with us since childhood.
Did anyone ever realize that love exists the moment we came into this world.
I belief, love will be with us till the day we leave this world peacefully.
God bless and love everyone on earth…
Yes, God will.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
From this moment

From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on
From this moment I have been blessed
I live only for your happiness
And for your love I'd give my last breath
From this moment on
I give my hand to you with all my heart
Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment on
You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live I will love you,
I promise you this There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment I will love you as long as I live
From this moment on
Friday, May 26, 2006
Vitamin B Forte
I decided to seek a doctor for some treatment.. mentally or physically..
That was yesterday.
Today I took the Vitamin B Forte that the doctor prescribed to me...
and well, I have been suffering from this stomache from 1 plus til 5.00pm....
Upon thinking I took nothing which would caused the stomach aching, I decided to check what is the function of Vitamin B Forte and found out..................
Item Description
B complex forte is a specially blended formula designed to assist with energy production in the body. It is also known to support the nervous system. B complex forte formula can also assist with healthy digestive and heart function.
Arghhz,,, Healthy digestive.....
Monday, May 22, 2006
Moon river..
I looked around and realized there was no one to help me. Panic, terrified I was running as fast as I could, seeing no end ahead I stood.
Energy was not with me anymore. Stood by the lakeside, moon in the lake was so beautiful yet I wasn’t in the mood to admire it.
Just hoped to have a passerby at this moment to talk to me, to ease the fear I was experiencing never in my life.
Never have this kind of desire, hoping to talk to a stranger. I stood still, I pondered.
If I could faced the fact, I could tell the truth, I could know what is weighing on my mind, I need not run away from it.
Running away wasn’t a brave act, thus it was representing I was gutless.
No gut to face whatever challenge is coming, whatever the outcome will be.
Not wanting to run further, trying hard to appreciate the beauty of the reflection of the moon, I tried. Never in life I find it so hard to catch attention of beauty to my eyes.
I sat down by the lake, I cried. Wasn’t in a very stable state to judge yet judgment was made. At this very moment, he appeared in my mind looking at me saying, “How sure are you that there’s no end to this route? How sure are you that the moon will not catch your attention one day?”
I have nothing but the lonely lake. I told myself I’m not sure whether is there an end to this route. I’m not sure whether the moon will be still as beautiful tomorrow. Maybe I preferred stars shinning high above the sky, which the moon couldn’t represent.
Explanations were all excuses, I admitted.
To end myself in a lonely forest with a peaceful lake, this is not my route. I refused to.
I do not want to have the moon in the lake as it will feel lonely if I leave the lake one day secretly.
I know I will leave the lake. Not because I prefer ocean, just not at the state of mind.
How wonderful if the moon and the shinning stars could stay forever together every night.
How wonderful if we will never see raining nights with no stars nor moon.
Nothing prefect is the reason why I don’t want to stay by the lake, don’t want to see the moon in it. Just me alone back to my hut I wish.
The forest is too big for me to explore. I have no determination that I could run round the whole forest, not mentioning to move to the forest abandoning my hut by the hillside with little imps staying around with me.
Awaking my thoughts, the emergency siren stopped. Yes, no longer dangerous alerting sign on my hut’s door. Although I do love the lake, I do miss the scene of the beautiful round moon reflection on the surface of the water, but I still want to stay in my hut for awhile more.
Just stay awhile, how long, I do not know.
Life goes on, I just want us to be happy.
I really do….
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Find this kinda interesting....
When a guy calls u
he wants to be with you
When a guy is quiet,
He's listening to you...
When a guy is not arguing,
He realizes he's wrong
When a guy says, "I'm fine,"
after a few minutes,he means it
When a guy stares at you,
he thinks you're the most beautiful thing in the world
When you're laying your head on a guy's chest
he has the world
When a guy calls you everyday
he is in love
When a (good) guy say he loves you
he means it
When a guy says he can't live without you
he's with you till your done
When a guy says, "I miss you,"he misses you more than you could have
ever missed him or anything else
Girl facts:
When a girl is quiet,
millions of things are running through her mind.
When a girl is not arguing,
she is thinking deeply.
When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,
she is wondering how long you will bearound.
When a girl answers, "I'm fine,"
after a few seconds, she is not at all fine.
When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering why you are so wonderful.
When a girl lays on your chest,
she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a girl calls you everyday,
she is seeking for your attention.
When a girl wants to see you everyday,
she wants to be pampered.
When a girl says, "I'll love you forever,"
she means it.
When a girl says that she can't live without you,
she has made up her mind that you are her future.
When a girl says, "I miss you,"
no one in this world can miss you more than that.