Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Eggs explosive!

Early in the morning, colleagues and me were in the Pantry making our usual coffees, with delicious sandwiches for me this morning..
We're chatting happily while biting my sandwiches when I suddenly feel like having eggs salad in the noon..

Therefore I put 4 eggs into a big bowl filled with water and placed it into the microwave to boil it. Setting to 4mins of the timer, I left the eggs there boiling, while I get back to my desk for the start of my long day of piling work on my desk... .....

*dandan concentrating reading her emails**

5mins later, Uncle Teh reach office as usual at 8.55am...
He took his cup and headed to the pantry. This is his daily routine too.
Before he step into the pantry (I saw it with my own eye as pantry is door is within my eye's focus perimeter), I heard a very very loud sound! It goes..."BOMB"!
Of course, rest of colleagues heard it too as it was really a LOUD "BOMB"!!

At this moment, people said saying,"What happened? wat? wat? wat dat smell?"..... Some pple started walking to the pantry trying to find out what happened..

I need not take a deep breath and I already smell eggs within the air...
Then I realised, "OH MY GOD! It was my EGGS!!!! "

My egg "bao zha", and my eggs fly everywhere... and it really everywhere!
The mess looked Yuckzzzz but smell great!

With the help of my 2 beloved colleagues, we spent 10mins clearing up the mess and I guess I get myself an compliment of saving 35cents by cooking my own egg instead of buying from our canteen, so called "SMART"..... &^%$#@*

And well, I guess I invited complaint for myself as well...
Maybe I will see a notice inside my pantry tomorrow stating,"NO BOILING OF EGG IN THE MICROWAVE AS THIS IS AN DANGEROUS ACT!"

No more egg for dandan........... =(
worst part is.... I'm wondering if this chapter of my life is going to be written onto my appraisal, affecting my bonus...............................................

dandan and her jidan......................


Richard said...

Sorry, but that is very funny.

I know you shouldn't put eggs in teh microwave - however, I would have thought that if they were immersed in water it would be safer.

Did you know, that even if you take the egg out of the shell, you still have to break the yold before putting it in the microwave.

I don't know if it will affect your appraisal. If it is just a single isolated incident and you did clean it up (and, I am sure, apologized), I can't see why it should affect your appraisal.

I know if I was your manager, I would not let it influence me. It was a mistake not related to your work, no big deal.

Old Beng said...

Think it´s not the eggs but the water that cause the explosion. Never heat water in micro-wave again.

Richard said...

old beng is also right. One of the problems in heating water in the microwave is that it can become super heated (i.e. hotter than boiling point).

Then a small disturbance, droppingin some sugar or a spoon can cause it to explode, possibly scalding you.

Richard said...

You can get more explanation and see a movie of the effect

The movie link is not obvious, it is just after the first paragraph.

F¡яєвџяN said...

wahlau, no more dandan for dandan!!! hahha

dandan...™ said...

Old Beng & Richard,
I already learnt my mistakes..and take the advise from one of my VP, to eat bread as it will be safer den eating boiled eggs..

fireburn, haiz..yalor..
the worst part is whenever colleague mentioned eggs, rest of the colleagues would look at me and laugh! And they start saying,"哈哈! 鸡蛋爆炸!"....

NA said...

Haha... a real Za Dan aka 炸蛋(Egg Bomb).

Dun worry about the appraisal. This eggy incident shd not affect it.

Bu do be more careful next time.

Now that I have read your blog, I feel like eating egges liaoz... Half boiled ones. Yakun style. =)

Richard said...

I sometimes eat eggs at work, but I boil them at home first.