Thursday, November 24, 2005


Who will I be when I grow old?

Watching the sunset everyday by the window?

Reading novel on a rocking chair?

Looking at old photos thinking of the past?

Or just a lonely old woman?


Richard said...

I wonder the same thing. Sometimes I am afraid I will be old and alone.

dandan...™ said...

But u r different..
You haf a family..

Richard said...

Yes, but you are younger than me.

I didn't get married until I was 30 (had my first and only gf when I was 29).

I had my first child when I was 33.

You have plenty of time to catch up to me.

But, I still sometimes worry how it will be when I am old.

Mockingbird said...

Of course you will still be yourself when you grow old. What's important we age gracefully and leave this world knowing we'd go to a better place :)

dandan...™ said...

Ya..Michael..maybe this shld be the correct perspective of life..