Thursday, December 15, 2005

when teachers meet students...

Teacher:"Can anyone give me an example of Coincidence?"
Johnny:"Sir, my mother and father got married on the same day same time."

Teacher: How old is ur father.
Sunny:- As old as I am.
Teacher: How is it possible?
Sunny:- He became father only after I was born.

Teacher: Paul, what is the chemical formula of Water?
Paul: H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O
Teacher: What is this?
Paul: Well!! you said it is H2O.

Student (to teacher)Ma'am my pen has run out of ink.
Teacher:Go run after it

Teacher:Ramu,get up.How can you sleep in my class?
Ramu:I can teacher,if you keep your voice down.

Teacher: Where does God live?
Little boy: I think he lives in our bathroom.
Teacher: Why do you say that?
Little boy: Well, every morning my daddy bangs on the door and says, 'God, are you still in there?'

Pupil: "Sir, Would you mind e-mailing my exam results to my parents?"
Teacher: "But your parents don't have a computer."
Pupil: "Exactly!"

A student to his teacher: " I haven't got no pencil."
Teacher, correcting him: " You don't have any pencil. He doesn't have any pencils. We don't have any pencils."
Student, with a look of astonishment: "Where have all the pencils gone?"

Teacher to girl: "Why are you late?"
Girl: "I started late from home".
Teacher: "Why didn't you start early?"
Girl: "By the time I woke up, it was too late to start early"

Teacher to the student: Why are you tearing up your homework copy?
Student: To keep the elephants away.
Teacher: But there are no elephants here.
Student: See, how effective it is!!!

Teacher: You weren't at school last Friday, Robert. I heard you were at the movie theatre.
Robert: That's not true, sir. And I've got the tickets from the football game to prove it.

Teacher:Mohan,Assam is special for what product? Mohan:I Dont know mam.
Teacher:Ok I'll give you a clue, from where doyou get tea powder?
Mohan:From our neighbour's house!!!

----extracted from email------


Richard said...


One I like is:

Student: Can you be mad at me for something I didn't do?

Teacher: Of course not.

Student: Good! I didn't do my homework.

I tried this joke when I was in grade 5 on my teacher. She didn't get it. I spent 10 minutes explaing that (1) I really did do my homework and (2) the joke was saying I didn't do my homework. sigh.

dandan...™ said...

LOlz..good one!!
ur teacher was "slow"...

Elydia said...

hahahahaa.... hilarious!!

孺子牛 said...

Nice one.

Unknown said...

"If there are any idiots in the room, will they please stand up?"
said the sarcastic teacher,DanDan. After a long silence, one freshman rose
to his feet.

"Now then Weibin, why do you consider yourself an idiot?" inquired
the Dandan with a sneer.

"Well, actually I don't," said Weibin, "but I hate to see you
standing up there all by yourself."

dandan...™ said...

Weibin!! You Good!!!!!!!
Thankz ley..